Klemke Language Services
Jacqueline Klemke
Senckenberganlage 10-12
60325 Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 / 172 979 93

E-Mail schreiben


Klemke Language Services
Jacqueline Klemke
Eschersheimer Landstraße 68
60322 Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 / 172 979 93

Write e-mail


Life coaching: support for a more fulfilling life

Life coaching is a professional consulting approach that supports people in achieving their personal goals and realizing their full potential.

A life coach is like a personal companion who motivates and inspires you and helps you to develop new perspectives.

Possible topics in life coaching:

  • Goal setting and life design: clarifying your life goals and developing a vision for your life
  • Personal development: strengthening your self-confidence, self-acceptance and emotional intelligence
  • Career planning: developing your career goals and professional development
  • Work-life balance: creating a balance between work, private life and leisure time
  • Stress management: reducing stress and developing effective stress management strategies
  • Problem-solving and decision-making: support in solving problems and making decisions
  • Creativity and self-actualization: encouraging your creativity and helping you to realize your talents and interests

Procedure of a life coaching session:

  • Initial consultation: clarification of the issue and the goals of the coaching session
  • One-to-one sessions: The coaching sessions usually take place as one-to-one sessions.
  • Development of solutions: Concrete solutions and action strategies are developed together with the coach.
  • Implementation and support: The coach supports you in implementing the solutions developed and accompanies you along the way.

Benefits of life coaching:

  • Achieving your personal goals
  • Improvement of your life satisfaction
  • Increasing your self-confidence and self-efficacy
  • Increased stress management potential
  • Greater clarity and focus in life
  • Personal development and growth

Who can benefit from life coaching?

Life coaching is suitable for anyone who wants to improve their life and achieve their goals.

Are you looking for a life coach in your area?

I would be happy to help you!

Senckenberganlage 10-12
60325 Frankfurt am Main