Klemke Language Services
Jacqueline Klemke
Senckenberganlage 10-12
60325 Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 / 172 979 93

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Klemke Language Services
Jacqueline Klemke
Eschersheimer Landstraße 68
60322 Frankfurt, Germany

Phone: +49 (0)69 / 172 979 93

Write e-mail


Family coaching: your path to stronger family ties

Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed as a family? Do you often argue and feel that you no longer communicate properly with each other? Then family coaching can provide valuable support.

Family coaches are professionals who work with you and your family members to overcome challenges and promote a more harmonious relationship.

Possible topics in family coachings:

  • Conflicts and communication: support in resolving conflicts, improving communication and mutual understanding
  • Parenting: developing effective parenting strategies, strengthening parenting skills
  • Development and change processes: Support during phases of change, such as the birth of a child, puberty, separation or a patchwork family
  • Crises and stress: Support in difficult situations such as illness, bereavement or school problems
  • Strengthening family relationships: Promoting family ties, love and mutual respect

Family coaching process:

  • Initial consultation: Clarification of the issues and goals of the coaching sessions
  • One-on-one and/or group sessions: Depending on the needs and situation, one-on-one sessions are held with individual family members or group sessions with the whole family.
  • Development of solutions: Concrete solutions and strategies for action are developed together with the coach.
  • Implementation and support: The coach supports you in implementing the solutions developed and accompanies you along the way.

Benefits of family coaching:

  • Improved communication and conflict resolution
  • Stronger family relationships
  • Increased well-being of all family members
  • Greater satisfaction with family life
  • Better coping with challenges

Who can take advantage of family coaching?

Family coaching is suitable for all families who want to improve their relationships and overcome challenges together.

Are you looking for a family coach in your area?

Please get in touch at


Senckenberganlage 10-12
60325 Frankfurt am Main